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Thanks for coming to my website as this is a new journey for all of us. And since confession is good for the soul, I want to share that I never envisioned becoming a blogger, much less an author! However, life is full of amazing twists and turns and we do well to hang on tight and enjoy the ride. I always assumed that my husband was the writer in the house. He's published several books in addition to a doctoral dissertation which by his own admission he barely survived! On my part, I was content to be his informal editor while cheering wildly from the grandstands. This pattern worked for many years until...

Circumstances led to my enrollment in Kingdom Builder's Academy, a cutting edge organization that equips individuals with entrepreneurial and social media skills. This experience has stretched me in numerous ways to include a challenge to write an e-book. When confronted with this assignment, I retreated into my walled city all the time saying, "I don't have anything to write, I don't have anything to write!" My husband knowingly looked on while holding his hands over his ears.

Eventually I opened the gate and once I did that, thoughts about my journey began to roll in like waves upon the shore. Creativity waits upon commitment and once I made the decision to write, a story line emerged and my io was born.

The fact is that God has created you and me as unique, one-of-a-kind creations. Your experiences and the way you process and express life are singular.

Totally and wonderfully singular!

Think about that in the days ahead. There is no one on Planet Earth who knows your story better than you do. You are an author-in-waiting.

Best success to you.


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